Hopefully you’re not sick of buckets yet, cause we sure aren’t. It seems like the tournament season may be coming to it’s climactic finish- but who knows, I could turn around next week to find my entire office, printer and all, buried in fresh naked buckets eagerly awaiting some new graphics.

I mean really, look at the state it’s in now!
Although it’s definitely a nice small scale indoors project to be working on during this heat wave- so in the boys best interests I don’t mind sharing the space with a few hundred buckets.
… and several dozen sheets of bucket wraps.
Of course, the graphics are only half the battle, there are still nylon cords and washers and something to do with heat. The end result being sturdy, waterproof, easy to handle and carry buckets that look awesome!
Still a little ways to go on these, but it’s worth the wait!
That said, make sure to keep an eye out for our next big project- which will hopefully be as plentiful as these buckets!